I have some new ideas about the direction my art is going.
Look forward to a couple of series on small covers and small tunics.
Also I am thinking about reincorporating the two dimensional surface, such as in a canvas or paper support.
And my third decision has to do with freestanding pieces.
Thanks to those who visited the Adjunct Art Show at Kilgore, it should remain up until March 30th or there abouts.
To my students:
It is good to have a break from school, however, you have this week up until Friday to complete your Critical Analysis Paper. Due date is having a completed hard copy in Class at the begining of class on Friday morning, and have the paper submitted digitally to www.turnitin.com before 11:59 pm Friday evening. There are no excuses for not having your paper. No late submissions!
I am looking forward to reading what you have written.